Introducing Nancy Fisher, Vice President of HAVEN’s Board

Why Haven? 

As a public health nurse, I spent much of my career focused on the health of mothers and their children. As my role expanded my work included issues of concern to the LGBTQ community, older populations and issues related to the broad determinants of health. 

Family/relationship violence affects all segments of our population and has very long-term effects on survivors of all ages. 

When I retired, I chose to focus some of my volunteer time on the work of HAVEN because I saw the importance of the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention work being done with a focus on trauma informed services.

How does HAVEN’s mission speak to you?

The mission of HAVEN speaks to me because I believe everyone should have a chance to live a life of safety and security on their own terms.  The most effective way to do this is not only to work with individuals, but to work in the community and with systems to address family and relationship violence.