Spotlight on StanState Students Donation Drive

HAVEN is fortunate to partner with some very amazing individuals. A group of Stan State students did a donation drive for us and we wanted to highlight their efforts.

There are many worthy non-profits in the area, why did you choose to support HAVEN?

While researching issues that are impacting Stanislaus County, our group agreed that domestic violence is an issue that requires more attention. Upon conducting a review of the surrounding agencies that help DV survivors, we realized that we could partner with the HAVEN Victim Advocate at CSU Stanislaus to carry out our project. In doing so, we were able to connect with the larger HAVEN organization and determine what their needs are so we can best help and advocate for DV survivors.

With the donation drive, you are supporting HAVEN at a micro level. What are you doing to support HAVEN at a macro level?

Our group will be creating a financial education brochure for the organization that they can disburse to survivors. While our group will not be able to expand on the information in the brochures due to time constraints and efforts to protect the confidentiality of survivors, we hope that it will serve as the foundation for future workshops centered around empowering survivors to pursue education and employment. We consulted with multiple HAVEN representatives and determined that more assistance was needed in helping survivors obtain basic financial literacy skills that will help them create a brighter future for themselves and their families after leaving their abusive environments. This brochure will educate survivors on how to open their own separate bank account and will provide a resource to help them build a budget. Lastly, we will be providing HAVEN with an extremely useful resource that they can utilize to help survivors
regain financial autonomy.

At HAVEN, we are huge on self-care. What do you do to take care of yourselves when you are feeling overwhelmed?

Lesly: When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I like to listen to my music at full blast and try to get
some fresh air by taking a walk or going for a drive. When I have more time, I try to clean and declutter my home (I’m a clean freak so cleaning helps me de-stress). As a future social worker, I take my mental health seriously, so I meet with my therapist about 2 to 3 times a month as well.

Ana: For self-care, I like to go for walks alone to clear my mind and have a moment to myself. When I feel overwhelmed, I like to take a long shower or bath to help me relax. Spending time with my daughter and husband keeps me in a positive mental space.

Lauren: When I am feeling overwhelmed, I typically like to take a break from what I am doing. Some self-care that I always do is workout at least three times a week. Other activities I do are splurge into a good Netflix show, or hangout with friends and family.

Morgan: My favorite way to practice self-care is by just going outside and getting some fresh air and exercise, it can be as simple as going for a walk down the street. Spending quality time with my loved ones is also especially important to me. I also like to do a social media “cleanse” a few days a month for my mental health.


Stanislaus State Advocacy

HAVEN partners with StanState to provide on-campus confidential support for students, staff and faculty impacted by interpersonal violence.